Transformation task


Year 10 English: Transformation task

Due Date:

Thursday Week 8

Method of submission:



The task: Transform or respond to What’s eating Gilbert Grape, The Selfish Giant or your independent reading or viewing text in a form that you choose


Prepare a non-fiction or fiction response, in whatever written or multimodal format you want e.g. a social media response, a newspaper style opinion piece, a narrative or photostory. In your response, utilize ideas, characters, settings or other elements of the film. Write no more than 800 words. If you decide on a multimodal response make sure it is no more than six minutes long.

This creative response should include:

·         A title

·         The conventions of the form in which you have chosen to write e.g. a headline, by-line and structured paragraphs for an article, a narrative with an orientation, complication, series of events and a resolution in the conclusion

·         A range of language techniques designed to engage your target audience.

NB You can use major or minor characters, similar techniques e.g. imagery and/or an idea or ideas in the film – e.g. the difficulty in choosing between responsibility and personal freedom, love, caring for your family


Achievement Standard










Productive modes (speaking, writing and creating)






2.1  Show how the selection of language featurescan achieve precision and stylistic effect.






2.3   Develop your own style by experimenting with language features, stylistic devices, text structures and images.






2.6  Demonstrate understanding of grammar, vary vocabulary choices for impact, and accurately use spelling and punctuation when creating and editing texts.







Ms Bourlioufas’s comment







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