FINAL VERS NOAH N Energy Conservation Report 1g


Stage 1 Physics

Conservation of Energy Practical Investigation






Figure 1Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but only changed in form.



Name: Noah NishiharaHome Group: E05

Report of experiment on:

How the Speed of A Pendulum Bob At The Lowest Centre of Gravity Proves The Law of Conservation of Energy

Completion Date of Experiment: Monday, September 04, 2017

Work Finalised: Monday, September 18, 2017



Table of Contents

Background. 3

Aim.. 3

Hypothesis. 3

Outline of Procedure. 4

Procedure Description. 5

Results. 9

Results for the Photogate Timer Section of the Experiment. 9

Theoretical Calculations for Comparison with the Photogate Timer Section of the Experiment. 9

Theoretical Calculations for Comparison with Velocity Values Derived from Plotting in Tracker using Videos of Pendulum Swings (Section of the Experiment). 10

Experimental Calculations for Comparison with Theoretical Results. 11

Percent Error of the Photogate Timer Section of the Experiment. 12

Summary of All Photogate Results. 12

Results for the Tracker Video Section of the Experiment. 14

Calculations. 19

Efficiency from the Gold-coloured Pendulum Tracker results. 19

Discussion. 19

Conclusion. 20




To investigate the conservation of mechanical energy, an experiment is designed to allow accurate analysis of circularmotion by a pendulum. Thevelocity at the lowest point of the pendulum is calculated and compared with the experimental results. Similar velocity from both proves that mechanical energy is indeed conserved.

A simple pendulum consists of a mass attached by a cord to a fixed point. When it is raised and released, gravity accelerates it to its equilibrium position whereby the accumulated momentum causes it to rise again to its original height. Its mass is concentrated at a point.

Energy is a concept used to explain change. Given that all matter possesses energy, and the energy in the universe is constant, energy cannot be created or destroyed. To prove the Law of Conservation of Energy, a small-scale system is created, in which energy is stored or transformed. Using the knowledge of gravitational PE at the top of the pendulum’s swing being equal to its KE at the bottom of the swing,the theoretical velocity is calculated and compared with the velocity determined experimentally.


To show that energy is conserved in the motion of a simple pendulumusingvelocity measurements of a pendulum at its lowest point.

Figure 2 Power Functions


If theoretical velocities derived from the Conservation Law equal the experimental velocities, then total energy transforms but is conserved (without acting external forces). Pendulums releasedat different heights will change their velocity at the lowest centre of gravity like a power function graph.


Outline of Procedure


·         2 Retort Stands

·         Protractor

·         Brass mass hanger

·         Wooden rulers (Plastic recommended - 50 cm) or Metre sticks

·         Colour A3 paper

·         Data logger interface (VernierLabquest Mini) - 12-bit interface

·         Vernier Photogate timer

·         Tracker software (PC)

·         Pendulum bob – (gold colour, mass: 64.1 g) and (brown colour of 500 grams, mass: 147.9 g)

·         1mm width tape

·         Tape

·         Blu-tack

·         2 Threads of string

·         Metre ruler

·         2 clamps

·         Wooden block

·         Computer

·         Video Camera/Mobile Phone

·         Scissors

·         Stand/tripod

·         Phone holder for tripod

Note for Apparatus:All equipment should be properly calibrated. The metre rulers should be plastic for better results. Attach to the wooden block for accuracy in measurements in the range of 5 to 20 cm.

The pivot point did not allow smooth swinging, as friction acted upon the pendulum and caused it to have an unequal swing. An inelastic string was required and a fixed point (clamp). The brass mass hangerwas clamped securely, but greater heightsof release caused the stand itself to rock back and forth.

The brown coloured (500 gram) pendulum bob was 3.5 centimetres above the desk and had a diameter of 3.2 centimetres along the line indicating centre of mass.The brown pendulum is not aero-dynamic. It was assumed that it has a symmetrical shape.The bob also rotates and loses momentum/energy. Slower stopping times will result from this. The bob may swing in an ellipse pattern. It does not hang straight either.Its mass may be unequally distributed. Its centre of gravity would not have been in the middle because it was noticed that it did not hang perpendicularly during its swing.

The gold coloured mass was 2.0 cm above the desk and had a diameter of 2.4 centimetres. The diameter of the bob must be measured to calculate the speed from timer results of the Photogate. In this report the gold coloured mass is only used for Tracker analysis. It is advisable, to minimize systematic error, for the pendulum to be covered with tape which holds a thin white line (masking tape cut to 1mm) at the centre of mass.

Modern photographic devices should be able to capture Full HD 1080p, which was utilised for this experiment. Some phones are slow-motion capable and are recommended. An Xperia XA Ultra was used which by design has its lens on the corner, further increasing the error of parallax. Its maximum frame rate is 30fps.

Due to safety concerns, the original method involving a razor cutting the string of the pendulum is not used. Its setup is shown below and involves measuring the distance from the razor to the carbon paper.

The results attainable through the procedure below are either the time of entry and exit for the Photogate, or the videos for later analysis in Tracker software.

Procedure Description

1.      Using a balance, measure the mass of the pendulum bob and string, and record values.

2.      Set retort stand and clamp at appropriate heights and attach string(s).

3.      Attach bob to string so that the centre of the mass of the bob is 3.5 centimetres above the desk, adjusting the string length as required.

4.      Set the bob so that it is directly covering the photogate timer (Gate) diode. (Place on a suitable wood block)

5.      Connect the photogate timer to the Vernier interface.

6.      Clarify that the photogate is functional.

7.      Fix the gate with tape on both sides and turn on.

8.      Lift the bob so that the centre of gravity is H cm (height) from the desk, also pulling the string back to form a straight line, and ensure that the string has a firm tension.

9.      Let go of the bob and once it passes the Gate, cease its movement by catching it to prevent another swing. Otherwise, simply take the video and allow a maximum of ten swings to each side. Using the Gate, the H heights were from 5 to 35 cm increasing at 5 cm increments.

10.  Copy the data from the Logger Pro application to separate sheets in different Excel spreadsheet files where applicable.

11.  Repeat three times for either method and calculate an average of the time difference values (if using Gate).

12.  Change the H height in five different ways and measure the velocity.

Diagrams: Original Method Setup and ActualSetup Drawing

Figure 3: Original Method Setup

Figure 4 Diagram of Set-up/Configuration of Equipment

Source of Figure 2 and 3: (四天王寺高等学校中学, n.d.)

Figure 5Snapshot of the Video showing setup method in Tracker

Figure 6The Second Experiment with the Brown-coloured Mass


Safety and ethical issues overview

By keeping all parts of the stand secure, accidents due to drops did not occur. The clamps must be tightened on the retort stand and computers should be kept away from the experiment to minimise possibility of the screen being hit. Correct use of apparatus should be ensured to prevent accidental damage of property.

The pendulum bob should only be swung when others have been notified to prevent injury. Also, keep electronic products running for a minimal amount of time to save energy.

For other types of conservation of energy experiments, safety glasses should be worn as the possibility of a projectile hitting the body is greater.No injury or harm is to be caused on others during the experiment.The method above will always be followed to ensure this.

The apparatus should be kept safe to avoid losing any equipment. All apparatus should be returned to the designated area for others to use. No safety gear will be necessary for this pendulum practical.


The data was collected directly asdecimal values from measuring devices. The Photogate timer devices measured time from the first disruption of the diode to the end of the disruption (the covering of the diode). The Logger Pro software reported the time values with an accuracy to six decimal places. For simplicity in the calculations, the number of decimal places was reduced to three. Calibration was not carried outfor the sensor devices as the digital readingsweredeemed correct before use.

The length of the Blue sheet (background) acts as the calibration stick (0.64 metres) in the Tracker software. This is done by zooming into the video frame and dragging the measuring line to the ends of the sheet’s bottom side. Any velocity values shown afterwards will be accurate to two significant figures.

Formulas Used

This is found by equating the initial potential and kinetic energy with the final potential and kinetic energy. This is because only gravity (an internal force) does work and so the total mechanical energy is conserved according to the law.

The initial kinetic energy however, is zero, while the final gravitational potential is zero at its lowest point of the swing.

The velocity values derived experimentally will be compared with the theoretical velocity from . If both are similar within a degree of acceptable error, then the Conservation Law can be proven to apply within the system created.

Used for calculating the velocity from time values from the Photogate.



Independent Variable:Height of the pendulum bob from desk (H cm)

(excluding the distance from the bob to the desk which is h cm)

How the Independent Variable is changed: Changed by measuring accurately the release height of the pendulum bob

Dependent Variables:Pendulum bob speed as it passes its lowest position

How the Dependent Variable is Measured: Using Vernier sensors and Video cameras

Height of release and speed are both variables resembling real life situations.

Other factors held Constant in the Experiment:

  • The position of the retort stand
  • The mass of the bob
  • The string length
  • The video camera settings
  • The way the bob is attached to the other apparatus
  • The way the bob is released from each height

·         The position of the video camera


The results are divided into sections. Theoretical predictions are shown first, then Photogate Timer results are introduced, followed by Tracker results.All tables are arranged in order.A discussion involving errors such as energy lost due to air resistance or frictionfollows the Calculations section.

Results for the Photogate Timer Section of the Experiment

Remember that the Mass of the Pendulum bob is actually 147.9 grams (500 grams is written on it) and that the diameter is 3.2 centimetres. Approximately four trials were attempted, with some having only three or one valid result(s). For the calculations, it was noted that the bob is 3.5 centimetres above the desk (denoted by h) and the total height (denoted by H) covers heights from 5 centimetres to 40 centimetres (8 different total heights of release). These values are in centimetres and must be converted into metres before they can be used to calculate velocity.

The Formula used for the Photogate timer calculations is V , with the  in metres per second, and  in seconds. The formula for the theoretical calculations is V , where both  are in metres.

Theoretical Calculations for Comparison with the Photogate Timer Section of the Experiment

The other results are listed in the table below:

Table 1

Total Height (H) (metres)

Velocity of the Bob at its lowest point (m/s)


















Theoretical Calculations for Comparison with Velocity Values Derived from Plotting in Tracker using Videos of Pendulum Swings (Section of the Experiment involving Gold-coloured Bob)


The theoretical calculations for the gold-coloured bob with a height (h) of 2.0 cm between the bob and the desk are outlined below for use later:

Table 2

Total Height (H) (metres)

Velocity of the Bob at its lowest point (m/s)














To compare the experimental results with the theoretical results above, the experimental results must be substituted into the  in V  , with the  in metres per second, and  in seconds. The diameter of the brown-coloured bob is 3.2 centimetres, so  becomes 0.032 m. The value of t is calculated in Excel (after filtering and deleting all the odd number cells) via a calculation of the difference between the times from the bob entering until it leaves the infrared sensor’s range, which is done by inputting =A2-A1 into the Formula bar. Refer to the diagram below where the cross on the right side is the point of entrance for the diode and the left side is the point of leaving the diode’s range. The distance between these crosses is 0.032 m.

It is believed that the range of the diode can lead to random errors provided the object passes it slowly.

Figure 7 Point of Entry and Exit

The average time in seconds recorded for each trial is shown in separate tables in Appendix 1 for each height H (metres). These averages are used instead of a single measurement, which would likely be the time taken for the first swing to pass by the Photogate. Air resistance and friction would cause the bob to slow down. However, averaging was found to be an effective way to achieve the best value from theinconsistent Photogate. Random errors caused by the pendulum bob hitting the Photogate or curving away during its swing and entering the gate at an angle were also reduced. Note that the Photogate may not function properly when the angle of the swing is sideways instead of perpendicular to the gate.

Several outlier values were observed,with several being possibly wrong measurements, however only the later measurements wereremoved and the analysis was continued for the remaining data. Theseoutliers are extreme but possible. There may be wrong assumptions involved. Since all the outlier results were obtained under the same conditions as the other values, they were included.

Experimental Calculations for Comparison with Theoretical Results


Using the formula V  , where  is in metres per second, and  is in seconds, the three average time values: 0.11338718, 0.12045473, and 0.11774645 seconds are substituted into t as shown below:

The other velocities of different heights (H from 10 to 40 centimetres) derived experimentally are outlined in tables found in Appendix 2.

Percent Error of the Photogate Timer Section of the Experiment


Using the percent error formula, the results of the experiment (velocity values at the lowest point of pendulum) were compared with the theoretical calculations of the velocity values at the lowest point of pendulum.For full calculations, refer to Appendix 3.

Summary of All Photogate Results

All results from the Photogate and Brown-coloured Bob sectionare summarised in the tables below:


Table 3

Theoretical Speedfor 5 cm

Experimental Speedfor 5 cm

% Error for 5 cm

Percent uncertainty (%)for 5 cm







Theoretical Speedfor 10 cm

Experimental Speedfor 10 cm

% Error for 10 cm

Percent uncertainty (%)for 10 cm










Theoretical Speedfor 15 cm

Experimental Speedfor 15 cm

% Error for 15 cm

Percent uncertainty (%)for 15 cm













Theoretical Speedfor 20 cm

Experimental Speedfor 20 cm

% Error for 20 cm

Percent uncertainty (%)for 20 cm













Theoretical Speedfor 25 cm

Experimental Speedfor 25 cm

% Error for 25 cm

Percent uncertainty (%)for 25 cm

















Table 4

Theoretical Speedfor 30 cm

Experimental Speedfor 30 cm

% Error for 30 cm

Percent uncertainty (%) for 30 cm











Table 5

Theoretical Speedfor 35 cm

Experimental Speedfor 35 cm

% Error for 35 cm

Percent uncertainty (%)for 35 cm





Table 6

Theoretical Speedfor 40 cm

Experimental Speedfor 40 cm

% Error for 40 cm

Percent uncertainty (%)for 40 cm














Following on from the Percent Error Formula calculations which indicate the ratio of the observed and true values, the 6th equation is used to find the percent uncertainty. The experimental result is compared with the theoretical result in % error, while % uncertainty is found to give a better idea of how well a value can be determined. This uncertainty value also reveals how precise the experiment was. The values for uncertainty are in the fourth column. Many values have large uncertainty ranges showing discrepancy. These values do not prove energy conservation.Thus, the measured values do not agree well with the calculated values.

There is an uncertainty in all measurements. Errors are caused by human judgement including during the plotting of points in Tracker. It provides extra precision but does not reduce error as human accuracy is fallible. The Photogate timer had possible calibration errors. Human error in using the metre stick is a random error foreseen but not eliminated. The metre stick could not be attached to a wooden block due to its mass and length. Therefore, it swayed in human hands and resulted in inconsistent lengths. A shorter ruler would reduce this error. The actual measurements of height H may have been shorter than the theoretical height H. Hence the speed is slower for the majority.

Only six attempts proved the Conservation Law by being within a 10% error range. The use of a metre stick to measure small distances affected these results as a systematic error. With my partner during the experiment we could have exchanged our roles to investigate the other large error which is the way the bob is released.The release of the pendulum involves friction which causes inconsistent release heights.The releaser may alsoinputunbalanced forces and change the overall energy of the system. By comparing the results from both of our release methods, the extent of the effect of release friction can be determined.

Also, longer periods of time recorded from the Gate would lower the speed considerably as observed from the 5 cm results.

Results for the Tracker Video Section of the Experiment

Tracker results for the same pendulum setup i.e. the brown coloured bob with same height and mass configurations as the Gate section are in Appendix 4.

The gold-coloured bob, on the other hand,was at a height (h) of 2.0 cm above the desk. Only the first velocity of the bob at its lowest point (m/s) which can be found from the first swing will be considered.


The speeds were observed to decrease over time during the swings. This is apparent from the graphs. Since only the first swing is of use for the comparison with the theoretical velocity, graphs were drawn for each Excel sheet data set but are not included here. The graphs were drawn to check and ensure consistency in the velocity values. The maximum speed of each swing was also compared to explain any changes that occurred.

Table 7

Total Height (H) (metres)

Velocity of the Bob at its lowest point (m/s)

Theoretical Velocity of the Bob at its lowest point (m/s)

% Error


























Undisclosed due to Mix-up in file storage








































From the table above, the percent error shows a much lower range of error for the heights from 25 to 35.

A line graph was drawn for the three velocities in which the Gate and second Tracker results (for brown coloured bob) were compared. With the total height as the independent variable, the velocities should be the same. This is because the  shown below is constant and allows the height and velocity to be in a directly proportional relationship. If height increases, the velocity increases.

The mass is cancelled out from the first equation above (which were used in the process of proving energy conservation.Note that the period (swing) of a pendulum depends on the length of string instead of the mass. Therefore it can be inferred that objects fall at speeds unaffected by mass.

It can be seen in the graph above that the Gate results have the greatest error. With greater precision is the Tracker (Brown) results but the direct proportionrelation outlined above cannot be proven due to inaccurate velocities.

Graphs are drawn for both Gate and Gold-coloured Pendulum resultsseparately to discover the source of error. The graphs have an x-axis of the initial height and a y-axis of the velocity at the lowest point. The lines of the best fit are drawn and compared.

The reason for the greater velocity with the 10 and 15 centimetre heights is unclear. This may be an example of the tension force acting on the string bringing about an increase in speed. Where is the extra 13.4% of the inputted energy from? See the calculations section below.

From the graph above the relationship between increasing heights and the resulting velocity at the bob’s lowest centre of gravity is indeed a power function. It is predicted that there is a limit to the maximum velocity possible. It will not increase indefinitely. Also, the clear correlation between height and velocity based on the high correlation coefficient is misleading. Errors have caused the experimental velocity to become zero only when the height becomes negative. When the string is zero, the velocity of the bob would still be a little over 0.1 m/s. The data relationship is depicted well, for instance in the theoretical velocity being generally lower for heights less than 20 cm but higher for those above 20 cm. The absence of 20 cm data may have caused this.

Slow velocities may cause errors for both Gate and Tracker values. From v=s/t we know that either the height may have measurement errors or the Gate may have difficulty in recording data for slow speeds.

The inconsistency is apparent. Comparison of the theoretical and experimental speeds’ lines of best fit show that the velocities found were lower than the expected values.The metre stick may have been used to measure shorter total distances through incorrect placement of the ruler on the table and other factors.

Because of the scatter observed, the results are not precise. The results are also inaccurate as they are not close to the theoretical values. The line of best fit does begin at the (0,0) origin. A different factor may have caused this.For example, the scatter may allow this to happen. Note that the bob may travel longer towards one side than the other due to different string tying methods. Also, the stringstretches for heavier masses (brown bob is heavier than gold bob). The string stretches more at higher speeds. This is not the case in the graph above.

Only the last three heights for the Tracker (the second graph above) have high accuracy. Precision was also high onlyfor those three heights.


Efficiency from the Gold-coloured Pendulum Tracker results

Efficiency measures how much energy is conserved. The efficiency is the energy output divided by the energy input, and is expressed as a percentage. For reference purposes in this report: output is kinetic energy, and input is potential energy or the height that we raised the bob.

97% efficiency means this data is nearer to the expected real result. For more, refer to Appendix 5.


The results from this experiment align with the energy conservation law. The experiment was conducted to find the maximum velocity of a pendulum to compare with the theoretical calculated value. It was hypothesized that theoretical velocities would overlap with the experimental velocities to prove the law. The results of this experiment are affected by errors;there is discrepancy compared toexpected findings.Overall, they show that for all masses, regardless of method, heights above 10 cm give better results.

While the pendulums did change their velocity at a rateof apower function, errors skewed the graph of the Tracker version. The relationship between release height and velocity is a direct proportion limited by the stability of apparatus.

Although the hypothesis was only proven by a minority of attempts, two methods were tested and the Photogate method found to be more susceptible to random errors.Three heights gave highly accurate and precise results. Since only a minority agree with previous studies, the methodology must be reviewed.

The design controlled variables by ensuring that focus was on measuring the release height; incorporating video-taking helped. All other variables were kept constant by limiting interactions with apparatus.

This experimentis limited by parallax caused by the camera not being perpendicular to the apparatus. The distance from the viewpoint of the smartphone to either side of the pendulum (x,ycoordinates) is skewed. Longer distances between the camera and the apparatus can reduce this systematic error. Also, measurements of the independent variable using unsuitable apparatus caused a random error. Shorter devices are necessary for small measurements.

The zoom function was utilised during the analysis of the videos. However, precise coordinates of points arelimited by the accuracy and consistency of the plotter. To address this issue, the pendulum bob could have been slowly plotted to ensure precision. Autotrackerwas more accurate.

The experiment could be improved by utilising video-taking only. Accurate height measuring is aided by marking bob’s centre of mass. Barriers could keep the swing straight to prevent accidental collisions with the gate. A device to release at the same height is necessary to achieve consistent data.Care is necessary for configuration of future experimentsfor greater accuracy in measurements.

The results apply to any system without external forces doing work. The significance of these results centre around methodology issues but also give insight into how all energy is interchangeable.


Energyconservation has been verified.The results were on average, within 21.5% of the calculated values. The discrepancies are due to parallax and measurement errors. A bifilar pendulum could be usedwith clamps instead of hooks as the pivot.


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