3.jpgcapacitor polarized.GIFcapacitor polarized II.GIF120px-Capacitor_Symbol.svg.pngPolarized_capacitor_symbol_3.pngPolarized_capacitor_symbol_2.pngInvestigation on Capacitors

Electrolytic Capacitors (or e-caps)

It is named this way due to the electrolyte it uses. It enables a larger capacitance to be achieved than other types. There are several disadvantages of using this type, including its short lifespan. All products in this category should have a longer leg signifying that it is polarized. The electrolyte may be wet or it may be a polymer. The capacitors are mainly made of either aluminium or tantalum. The cheap and common aluminium types must be connected the right way, otherwise, due to the aluminium oxide/dielectric getting damaged, a short circuit will occur between the two terminals. The large current running through it will create heat that can vaporize or melt the electrolyte leading to a burst of the covering. There is a non-polarized type available for AC use. Aluminium capacitors are made with two conducting aluminium foils and a spacer soaked in electrolyte. One of the aluminium foils is covered with an oxide layer, and that foil acts as the anode, while the uncoated one acts as a cathode.

Polyester Capacitors

440px-Film-Cap-Pulse-Strength-Versions.svg.pngmsr-l.jpgThese usually will be made with PET plastic (for the dielectric) and are a type of film capacitor. They come in many types, and do not absorb much moisture, so they can be used easily in most projects. They are cheap, small but come with high capacitance. Thelengths of the legs are the same, as it is non-polarized. The plastic may look the same but can be different types. The glossy types are usually manufactured through dipping. SMD and Radial are the two common styles.

MKT.jpgMKT Capacitors

Somewhat expensive, MKT capacitors are characterized by its equal length between leads. M stands for metallized construction, K stands for plastic film capacitor, and T signifies the material of the dielectric, which in this case, is Polyester / PET. Therefore, it would seem to be very similar to the polyester green caps. They are good for designing. There are 3 different sets of length between the leads as shown in the picture. There may be more.

Tantalum Electrolytic Capacitors

501px-Tantal-Elko-Axial-P1040292c.jpgThey are similar to electrolytic capacitors as they are polarized. The negative leads are shown with the symbols on the case/covering. These are used in small or portable consumer devices or military technology. The anode is made of tantalum and it is the oxide layer that is formed which is the dielectric. The electrolyte (polymer or manganese dioxide) covering the oxide layer is the cathode. Its low weight and high capacitance make it much valued. It is the cost of tantalum which causes the high price. It must be connected the right way, otherwise it may be destroyed. Its stability and small size have led to it being favoured by the military and medical facilities. It can also be used in consumer electronic products as filters of electricity.

Elektrolytkondensator-Tantal-Wiki-P1040343-07-02-18.jpg240px-Kondensator-Ta-Chips-Wiki-07-02-11.jpgNoah Nishihara Home Group T09


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