Reduction of Environmental Impacts caused by Copper Extraction:
the Case of the Ashio Mining Pollution
How has the copper refining process been improved so
that the environment is better protected in the last century as well as into
the future and what alternatives or solutions have emerged?
Noah Nishihara Home Group E05
Key Concept
to Investigate: Scientific knowledge, understanding, and inquiry can enable
scientists to develop solutions, make discoveries, design action for
sustainability, evaluate economic, social, cultural, and environmental impacts,
offer valid explanations, and make reliable predictions.
Table of Contents
The Conventional Process of Producing Copper
The Case of the Ashio Mining Pollution in
Reducing Sulphur Dioxide Emissions
Improvements in Production of Copper
Copper has been used since the Sumerians of Mesopotamia created
tools, sculptures and sleds 6,000 years ago (CDA Inc. 2017b). Copper supported
the transition from Stone Age to metal agesand the Industrial Revolution. The demand is currently increasing due
to our relianceupon electricity (OTA 1988, p.iii). However,
all stages of production can devastate environments(Massachusetts Institute of
Technology 2016). While the leaching of solid
waste is harmful, the degree of the problem varies.Besides, the waste and
tailings are reclaimed (OTA 1988, p.175-177).
Environmental Impacts of Copper
Figure 1
Congress, Office of Technology Assessment 1988 p.161
In Figure 1 there are many other
pollutants besides toxic gases and waste, however, the primary focus is on sulphide
ores, which account for 80% of all sourced ore, and how the sulphur dioxide
Figure 2: Escondida in Chile is the biggest copper producer in the world
(CDA Inc. 2017).
The Conventional
Process of Producing Copper
Figure 2: Escondida in Chile is the biggest copper producer in the world (CDA Inc. 2017). |
Pyrometallurgical recovery of
copper is known for itselevated temperature reactions in roasting, smelting,
converting and (fire) refining (OTA 1988, p.133).Firstly, ores with concentrations
varying from
3: Concentration of copper ore by froth flotation; University of York
The resultingconcentrate is then roasted in a furnace with oxygen to increase
purity (CDA Inc. 1997a, 2017a).
(CDA Inc. 2017a,2017b).
The two equations in brackets are
contaminants in the ore; here they also become oxides and are removed. According
to CDA Inc. (2017a)roasting removes some sulphur and produces ‘calcine’, a
solid shown as
This thenundergoes smelting;
producing copper matte
In the Peirce-Smithconverter,
moltenmatte is blown with air through tuyeres so that the iron sulphide oxidizes
into iron oxide and SO2 is captured. Iron oxide then reacts with the
added flux of mainly silica.
The two equations focus upon the formation of slag (CDA
Inc. 2017a).
The resulting fayalite slag is
poured out and reused as a flux for smelting (OTA 1988, p.756). New matte
Blister refers to the effect of
dissolved gases on solidified copper and its purity is 95 to 98%(CDA Inc.
The ‘fire-refining’stage produces
purer anode copper by introducing gases as a reducing agent that removes oxygen
from blister copper.The copper mayrequire casting.
Then a lengthy electrolysis reaction produces 99.99% pure copper:
The blister copper is eluted from the anode as ions and electrodeposited on the cathode as copper. The cathode copper contains lessthan 0.004% impurities (OTA 1988, p.105). The electrolyte is copper sulphateand sulfuric acid with additives. Impurities accumulate in the electrolyte or sludge.The usage of electricity is lowerthan electrowinningfor oxide ores (Sako Y. 2006).
Copper is melted and casted for
distribution (OTA 1988, p.145).
Flow diagram summarising the
sulphide ore processing stages
Figure 5: A flow diagram summarising
the processes used to manufacture copper from its ore; University of York
4 (CDA Inc. 2017).
The Case of the Ashio Mining Pollution in Reducing Sulphur Dioxide Emissions
Ashio is well-known as the first
pollution case in Japan. Causes of the Ashio mine pollution includeleaching of
waste material. With greater awareness, wastes are no longer disposed of
incorrectly. However, the gas emissions created the greatest damage. Records
show that trees were cut for the operation and newly grown saplings were unable
to develop properly. Finally, a bushfire created bare patches of groundrock which
then directly infiltrated the river. The ecosystem of the WataraseRiverwas destroyed(商兆琦 2013). Current sulfuric acid
production methods were impossible to implement due to low SO2
concentration and lack of proper cleaning and collection systems(酒匂幸男(Sako Y.) 2011).
Solutions to the Problem
Local politician Shozo Tanaka took
the matter even to the emperor, and managed to force some solutions. This set
an example for future Japanese social action and contributed attention to the
issue, however, when the government allowed the installation of tall chimneys
and a system based on the use oflimewater (
An effective solution came as late
as1956, when flash furnaces raised gas concentrations by eliminating excessive
air from mixing into the reaction.American acid production technology was
implemented with the newer flash furnaces, thus restricting pollution(酒匂幸男(Sako Y.) 2011). However, different
processes resulted in varied emission concentrations(小峰新平2011). Outokumpu furnaces were
chosen for its superiority over electric furnaces, ability to solve the SO2
problem, and because reverberatory
furnaces were in disrepair after the war. Trials began in 1956, and use
ended in 1989. The current widespread use of flash furnaces and SO2 capturing
technology is mainly due to a century of pollution reduction research completed
in Ashio (酒匂幸男(Sako Y.) 2011). Businessmen place
profit over environment; scientists develop efficient solutions to suit.
Citizens of Ashiohope to enlist
the area as heritage, while visitors are still finding slow recovery of the
ecosystem a concern.
Improvements in
Production of Copper
Figure 4: The manufacture of copper using the ISASMELT process;
University of York 2013.
Figure 4: The manufacture of copper using the ISASMELT process;
University of York 2013. |
The widely used reverberatory
furnace emits dilute sulphur dioxide gas which is unconvertible to sulphuric
acid. Its replacement with efficient flash furnaces that utilise the heat
produced from oxidation has been slow. This is disappointing, as development of the Flash Smelting process
has reduced the pollution arising from copper extraction (OTA 1988, p.107). Anotherprocess known as
‘continuous converting’ combines roasting, smelting, and converting but this
has limitations.Electric furnaces have low gas emission but high energy
consumption and low adoption rates (小峰新平2011).
The newest process is ISASMELT.
This involves the mixing and pressing into pellets of copper concentrates,
fluxes, and fuel which is then put into the furnace with oil, oxygen, and
methane. Matte is quickly produced in an efficient reaction (University of York
2013). ISASMELT furnaces are slim, energy efficient, and captures sulphur
dioxide well.
(Alvearet al. 2010).
The process involves oxidation of
the slag (FeO) and regenerative reactions involving magnetite, concentrate and
fluxes to form copper matte, slag and concentrated sulphur dioxide gas.
ISASMELT furnaces smelt and Rotary
Holding Furnaces then separate matte and slag. Furthermore, a third furnace
(converter) is required. With concentrated copper, ‘direct’ smelting or ISACONVERT®
TSL where roasting or converting is combined with smelting may be used (CSIRO
2015).Copper is concentrated before processing for sustainability and lower
costs. Thus, pyrometallurgical processes are flexible.
This furnace would not have seen
widespread use without the contributions made by Mount Isa Mines Ltd and CSIRO.
ISASMELT technologybegan taking shape in the 1970s, with the invention of a
lance tip protected with a slag coating (part of SiroSmelt) by Dr John Floyd
and others to improve a tin-smelting process. The Mount Isa Smelter site
demonstrated practical use in 1987, and in 1989, MIM and CSIRO agreed to
incorporate SiroSmelt components within ISASMELT technology. Licensing began in
1990 and reduction in energy use was observed in each project. Over ten plants are
in use.However, bath smelters require durable lances; it isinadequatefor
replacing flash smelters (CSIRO 2015).
Other Improvements
Modern techniques substantially
reduce the degree of devastation caused on the surroundings of a copper mine.
New processing facilities are unlikely, so improvements in smelting and
adoption of efficient processes is necessary. This involves developing
hydrometallurgy to extract copper from sulphide ores (Liew F. 2008). While the
process only works with oxide ores or wastes, its efficiency rivals others (OTA
1988, p.141). Biohydrometallurgy is another field but involves bacterial
oxidation (University of York 2013).Due to a limitation of resources, raw
copper production is expected to falter within this century. One third of the
demand is currently covered with recycled copper (CDA Inc. 2017a). It follows that scrap copper recycling is
expected to increase as mining production decreases.
5 Recycling & the Future of Mining 2012, The Business of Mining
Copper extraction from sulphide
ores has been improved to reduce the emission of sulphur dioxide. While
collection of gas has been a swift solution, extraction processes vary and
several types introduce other issues. Effects suffered in Ashio led to more
smelters becoming less environmentally destructive. Further research into
impacts of copper recyclingare planned for future studies.
Word count: 1194
(From 1578 total minus 212 words
of in-text references and 172 words for captions/equations)
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