Single Text Essay Structure


Single Text Essay Structure

The Single Text essay is essentially an exposition.


Language Features



·        Identify the text and author

·        Make the question clear

·        Make clear your argument in response to the question. Be sure to include words from the question.

·        Identify the 3-4 discussion points you will use to explain and defend your argument

Present tense


Third Person


Focus on nouns and verbs


Sequenced discussion e.g.


  • Then
  • Having established characters
  • Most effectively
  • Finally


Explanation connectives e.g.

·         Because

·         The effect of the author’s use of the metaphor is

·         As a result

·         This is effective because


Technical Language e.g.


·         Imagery

·         Characterization

·         Narrative structure

·         Dialogue

·         Camera angles



·        3-4 paragraphs

·        Structure of paragraphs – topic sentence, one point employing key words of question and argument

·        Use evidence from the text to defend and explain the point you are making. Be explicit about naming techniques, give specific examples and explain their effects on your understanding.

·        Summary sentence (no hanging quotes)



·        Summary of main points

·        Evaluate – explain the argument

·        Contextualize – what have you learnt about people and the world from the characters, novel, author



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