English Speech Draft 3a


Imagine this:Havingno way to check for information withoutmanual searching; unable to instantly connect with important contacts; missing out on great deals?

Elon Musk tweets: @mcannonbrookes Tesla will get the system installed and working 100 days from contract signature or it is free. That serious enough for you? (To software billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes)There may be four parties who are asked to deliver 25MW of storage for a total of 100MW, as part of the state’s $550 million energy strategy, but Tesla is guaranteed an inclusion because of this tweet.In 100 days we can unite the Korean Peninsula with social networks. For this is social media, and social media also realisesLuke Mead’s ipetition on Facebook to introduce MHS Trackpants. And we won’t mention examples where stolen phones come back!

I’m Noah with a great interest in how people can communicate in better ways. I love social media. Social media is a positive and beneficial technology. I know that social networks are addictive for some, nonetheless, the benefits are even larger. Quality is determined by its users, but as I’ll reveal right now, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages by over 500 billion posts.

What do I mean by social media? Well, social mediais a blog, wiki, or YouTube. If it allows comments, it’s a social media. The term was coined in July 2006, and almost 11 years later, we’re finding it become the true face of The Internet.

In short, social media is an essential entertainment technology via communication.

1: We constantly stay in touch and unite with people across all borders.

2: We trade words, we share ideas, and experiences with multimedia, made possible with devices at your fingertips because it is fun.

3: It’s beneficial for business too, if they embrace it.

4: Finally, it occupies a vital position in uniting our global society, and without it, the events of the past decade would not have been possible. Nor will there be a future for any of us.

With this technology, information flows in real time. We stay in touch continuously thanks to wireless technology and phone networks evolving every day. More people will be able to stream data at lower costs, wherever they are. This doesn’t mean we’re doomed to socialise every single bit of spare time we have; it means we’re given the tools/means of enabling instantaneous flow of information cheaply. Everyone can use social media, unlike mass media. And it’s not local scale either. Social media creates an atmosphere of a small town in which we can all come together to do something. It could be to solve problems in real life, like a software bug.  Social media allows users to find people unreachable through any other means. Families have been reunited, and old friends found. Of course, whether they want to talk is another matter.

Aside from communication for entertainment, forums are dedicated to solving problems and answering questions, while less specific services can present experiences or different points of view. Learning from experts is also possible. Groups and communities of users with shared interests can be formed, ensuring the replies to your statements bring joy. ‘Weak ties’ like these between people were previously impossible.

Crowdfunding services help start-ups market unique products.According to Fundable,Social Media is a critical factor in crowdfunding success: increase in Facebook friends raises the probability of success. Traditional businesses may also use potential employee profiles in a positive way, set up competitions or prize draws, campaigns, talk with and receive feedback from customers.

Globalisation is resulting in increasing interconnectedness with global influencing local in global warming, climate change, expansion of financial markets, and multinationals. Our world is shrinking; our lives are experienced at a frenetic pace, caused by speedier means of transport and communication. According to sociologist David Harvey, this is a ‘time-space compression’ driven by scientific and technological advancements. Technology develops to speed up global flows of capital (commodities) and to allow for new markets to be opened and expanded internationally.

German sociologist Ulrich (rik) Beck believes that a ‘Risk society’ involves global problems. Problems that require a global mindset to deal with. Our nation states are beginning to dwindle. We must cooperate across borders to solve issues including: climate change, food risks, nuclear weapons, global financial risks, environmental destruction to name just a few. We have the EU, World Bank, NATO, UN, and International Monetary Fund. But it is the ordinary people;we are the key to determining the fates and futures that will drive positive social change. (of a global scale). We must organise at a grassroots level to generate a politics that can effect change across the globe. We’re not going to allow globalisation to be shaped top-down by multinational corporations. We must form a global civil society to take control instead. This is developed with social media. Social networking is a powerful way in which activists from across the globe can spread ideas and debates to influence opinion. For instanceNew York City movement ‘Occupy Wall Street’ was a protest against social and economic inequalities. In 2011, this spread to over one thousand cities. Social networks can enable you to become more aware of important issues and how they affect you… and force policy change.

First, we’re given borderless opportunities.

Second, it’s fun to share and care for others.

Then, businesses and social media support each other positively.

Lastly, our future requires social media.

Let me tell you what was like…

Finally, I’d like to finish by stating that while social media can help you succeed in your career, you’ll still require real skills and concentration to match.Our challenge is to enjoy social media with care in our private lives and benefit from it in our business affairs.Electronically mediated communications are our culture. As Jesus said: “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.”We must stay informed to be salt. Socialise not for the globally provided platforms, socialise rather for globalisation and the future.

Thank you.


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