DSD Direct – I just love it for its speed in converting WAV 16 or 24 bit 44.1khz files into 2.8 DSD64. The SBM-Direct algorithm may have been reversed for it to achieve high audio quality – beyond any of the software for 10 years+. I doubt TEAC algorithms are as good – they are better than AudioGate anyway.

It can create DSD files from a clean CD if you wish to and create DSD Discs – a useless format 10 years on. I can see that it automatically uses the fastest GHz speed which for me is currently 3.08 GHz (for a 3.1 GHz max processor). It utilises 60-71% (mainly 60) which makes me estimate that it uses 100% if it is a 2GHz processor. That was the case with DSD Direct Player on FE4, which due to its reliance on RAM, is something I really want to get on this PC via a USB integrations of the CXD chip. Unfortunately it will freeze in a system without the chip and driver – Realtek drivers worked.

Utilisation of the HDD is periodic – it reads at a constant 500 kb but writes in bursts of 2-3.1 MB and every 3 seconds it writes 0MB – so up and down!


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