On vitamin C tablets
Facts: breaking 1 g of C into 10 pieces and consuming them separately enables better absorbing.
Drinking sugar water, orange juice, vitamin C showed the orange group had equivalent levels of C as vit C group. But when they tested their bloodstream antioxidant function, orange had better results. So eat the original fruit where possible. It has more components which might help the C work. By the same logic, unless in certain circumstances where convenience is required, it is best to consume the tablets NOT with water (which dirties the sides of my cup) but with some complementary food.
Mum had a mango once before an exam. It helped her feel good and get good results on that morning.
Consider my HQPlayer system: PC converts PCM to DSD64, converted to analog via Meizu, then converted to digital by S-Master where further processing is applied to make bad sources sound better, and then amplified directly as digital straight to analog to power the speakers. Although DSD is involved in this process, it is mostly a PCM pathway.
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