Sloppily made Sony


Unless it’s the top of the line ES series, expect a high risk of sloppy trash you want to throw out as soon as you buy. Because many of the hard working veteran engineers have left, and their disciples are intermingled and spread out. Certain low end products may end up in the hands of people who don’t really know enough and end up designing circuits which don’t meet standards. One example is the UDA-1, and of course, others are around the same mark.

For some reason their SINAD always hovers around the 80-90dB mark. SINAD being the THD+N expressed in dB. If there’s a higher noise floor, the distance between the loudest signal and the highest noise becomes closer. Aiming for CD 96dB is standard here. DR is the range between highest sound and smallest sound. If there’s plenty of noise, the smallest sounds would be inaudible.

Consider whether Sony may admit that Walkmans have seen their day and it’s time to focus only on Xperia. And by extension, it won’t be too long before S-Master HX ends up in a dongle DAC for phones. Of course, that depends on how much of the walkman board is used by the HX circuits. I think most of it would be for the CPU etc. S-Master HX has been used in IC Recs and even a powered digital headphone. That MDR-1ADAC or sth is the reason there could be a high chance for S-Master HX to make its appearance as a standalone upgrade for any device. I’m sure they’d sell heaps. Some people mistakenly bought the analog only USB C cable for Xperias, thinking it’s a Sony DAC. Considering the way S-Master HX works and how the sound it creates is difficult to discern from your off the shelf chip implementations, I am not incredibly looking forward to such a dongle. They’re much the same. I did get the walkman but its DSEE AI and upgraded firmware were the triggers. That is the fun. Not merely S-Master HX…


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