Why I hate PCM.
Why? Obvious! It’s so darn expensive, is variable, and when you listen to it on 2448 you hear this thinness – so much lack of depth and reality. It’s just useless, totally. What even sounds good in PCM? Just pop music I guess (DSD CD). Hey that’s weird – somehow RTK 2ms has lots of pops and clicks, and Dion’s beats are clear even in the DSDD version – when it was less clear on FE4. 106dB on iPhone means 18 bits. So it’s 18/48 or less for most devices – including my 800H. 102 dB means even less. SNR isn’t the whole story – TAKT can’t be perfect, it’s all arbitrary – ESS chips are darn stupid. So where’s perfect huh? When you first change from DSD to PCM, you feel the difference. But then you listen to louder passages or to pops or piano, and you think, hmm, maybe I can live with it! So that is the essence of DSD. You don’t need it. Oh, don’t forget the fact – my PCM is RTK ALC, my DSD is IDT CXD. When you use RTK, it’s very harsh highs and little or none of bass. IDT sound comes from behind, timidly, but naturally, and it gives you an all-rounder. Conexant is in the middle with bass emphasized so you get lulled into a false sense of SQ. so even if you use RTK ALC1220, I can’t guarantee better than current sound which is 2448.
Listen to Soul Tango on WPUP, and it’ll seem like second nature. That’s PCM for you. Very nice. The only reason I stopped going after DSD was because of my meeting with both wpup and mcv2. That saved me.however, wpup doesn’t sound out the pressure beats of Dion. TEAC’s algos made it thin in the beginning perhaps. And that brought out the beats. WPUP doesn’t. everything else is good though.
On a rainy and windy day like this, the water is white – lots of chlorine residue. And I rinsed my cup in it, and it tastes – reeks of it. Don’t wash it again. I don’t need that stuff.
Anyhow, earphone audio as exemplified by NW-A55 and TAKT Pro is pretty horrific. It’s not the same as listening on Yamaha monitors. And PCM isn’t the same thing as real stuff. Hmm. I am rethinking audio.
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