When does a migrant become an Australian? 2012 Speech
1. When does a migrant become an Australian?
In order to find out the above question's answer, we must first
define the term Australian. Under the 'White Australian Policy',
Australian did mean White with Western Culture background.
However after the introduction of multi cul turism in the
nineteen seventies, its meaning has been transformed gradually.
2. Today the word Australian might include people from all sorts
of backgrounds with the sharing of the common core values such
as solidarity, independence, organic society and
self-determination. Solidarity means the support of people by
other people because they share feelings, aims, etc. It refers
to the ties in a society that bind people to one another. In
the case of social solidarity there is an emphasis on unity,
group consciousness and social cohesion. Organic society here
is also ref erring to the interdependence of the component parts.
On the contrary, independence and self-determination exercise
self-government over its individual cases with no external
compulsion or interference.
3. Suppose Australia is a trunk of an apple tree as a big family,
then all the migrants of different ethnic backgrounds would be
the branches of the tree as the members of Australia. The roots
of the tree absorb water and nutrients from the land, which is
Australia and give to the branches which then sprout flowers
and bear apples. The leaves also receive sunlight and carbon
dioxide which the tree can use to convert carbon dioxide and
water to food. In other words, the tree and the land depend on
each other. The trunk and branch also rely on each other. All
sorts of elements cannot leave each other. The branches are
necessary to the tree for survival just as different cultures
rely on Australia to live. Within the dependent and independent
relationship, both sides develop its strength and create its
4. The diversity of different cultural backgrounds could
contribute to Australia's development and progress and coexist
and flourish together. But we should not limit to the surface
of diversity of languages, religions, dress and food. We should
think about the deep cultural part including history, tradition,
etc., not the festive level of events.
5. Consequently, if we realize that a migrant becoming an
Australian is really a very important issue, it would
demonstrate we could make differences in our daily life, since
only differences can make cultures alive or bring vitality to
our life. In fact it is only through experiences with other
cultures that traditional cultures change and adapt to
different environments.
6. If we could accept this kind of philosophy as our new version,
we would not be far from the answer to today's question. If a
migrant grafts himself or herself into a trunk of a tree as a
part of Australia, he or she would be ready to become an
Australian. Therefore it is very important that a migrant
identifies himself or herself as an Australian subjectively.
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