Of days long gone
Of days long gone
Healthy happier times, as the past always appears
Material wealth richer in the present
Beautiful memories forever out of reach
Moments captured in time melancholy
Was that me; is that you
Every instant so many masks so many eyes
The real eye is a solitary lone wanderer in life
If paths cross we will not collide
Need not think what you are now
Change for good or worse but unrelenting change
Do I need stride alongside to keep up I ask
No leave me alone it is my profession
You are in search of a ladder an easy way up
Build your own I cannot help
Stop slipping down the snakes first
Give up your childish dreams and see your mundane existence
Find the yellow brick road and feel the emptiness limitless possibility
Nobody’s path need cross the world exists in you
Happiness has no separate existence it’s in you
Nothing surprises anything is possible
Nature’s laws defiled and defied
To communicate with the whole world
Not a broadcast but a separate universe
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