
Showing posts from 2021

Noah Nishihara reads Jiang v Quach, Microsoft Corporation v Jiang Reflections on Life and Ancestors

  Blendo — Yesterday at 7:08 PM Back in 3 May 2019, I found reports/transcripts of grandpa's court proceedings, and one of uncle's as well   Blendo — Yesterday at 7:26 PM It makes for interesting reading considering his lack of evidence, misunderstandings of the different way that courts work in Australia (common law jurisdiction) and China (civil law) etc Particularly relevant is that the judges on the High Court included McHugh J and Kirby J. In mid 2019 I walked with the retired Kirby J to the law school building and brought up 1. lamenting the lack of more active involvement in common law courts which grandpa had expected 2. asking him what avenues there were to restrict misuse of involuntary incarceration into mental health hospitals - the loophole which continues to exist in NSW and NT. Whether human rights law had anything to do with it. In this respect he replied with a case that I should read, cases dealing with incarceration, particularly deportations and ref...

I'd be better off not calling you

I heard from my mum that she read and deleted a message from your mum to my skype account (her phone, my account) while she was trying to call my dad. It apparently said 1. I'd be better off not calling you 2. if I've got anything stressful etc I can talk to your mum. Also hearing my mum explain it and then going and checking skype to find no trace of it left there reminded me that I did send random emoticons via SMS to your phone to use up yet another prepaid allocation of credit totalling $5. It may have woken you up in the middle of the night, depending on the status of your phone but in any case I apologise for my very disruptive conduct. Rest assured I no longer have any prepaid SIMs with International unlimited calling capability. I do like to text you every now and then on discord however. Also, a little bit of information on Discord SAPARi Community and its relationship with me. Essentially it is a diverse group of people who like the SAPARi chat world (pretty much VR...

Sapari logo design さぱり コミュニティー ロゴ Designing a SAPARi logo

 Designing a SAPARi logo While SAPARi, the cat, Koen and Shitamachi are central to SAPARi, COAST is without a doubt the more memorable of all the Millenium worlds. COAST was likely the most popular world in the late 90s. Now, who doesn’t like going to the seaside (in summer)? SAPARi hiragana filled/coloured with the colour of the COAST at dusk. Unlike previous amazing entries, due to my lack of technical abilities, I’ve had to place emphasis on font and words rather than 3D characters (only added a bunch to qualify for the entry). So my emphasis is on static 2D design.

Haruki Murakami and the Apple iPod (and MD Walkman)

村上春樹 Haruki Murakami and the Apple iPod (and MD Walkman) It's not a far stretch to say that Haruki Murakami, like ASR, endorses the Apple sound, as implemented in  Apple USB-C  ( CS46L06 : 98dB SINAD / 113dB SNR). 僕はジョギングするときにいつも iPod で音楽を聴いていますが、一台に 1000 ~ 2000 曲入っていて、それを 7 台ぐらい持ってます。今日はそのラインナップの中から、何曲かお聴かせしたいと思います。 走るときに適した音楽は何かというと「むずかしい音楽はだめ」ということですよね。リズムが途中で変わるとすごく走りにくいから一貫したリズムで、できればシンプルなリズムのほうがいい。メロディがすらっと口ずさめて、できることなら勇気を分け与えてくれるような音楽が理想的です。 イベント開始前、会場内に流れていた爽やかな BGM は、村上さんのランニング用 iPod をシャッフルしたものだった。なんとも嬉しい演出である。「リズムのいい走りやすい音楽」を聴きながらランニングするという村上さんが所有する iPod はなんと全部で 5 台。 2 台はランニング用、 1 台は自宅(神奈川)と仕事場(都内)を行き来する際のドライブ用、 1 台は JAZZ 専用、 1 台はクラシックが大半の飛行機用だそう。 「全部手持ちの CD から( iPod に)入れているんだけど、まあよくそんな暇があったなあと我ながら感心してしまいます。すごくマメなんです」と話した。 運転中は、音楽に気持ちがのせられついついスピードを出してしまうそうで、「血も涙もないような人たち」に捕まることも。交通違反の点数がたまって、 “ すごくつまらない講習 ” を受けたという村上さん。その日の午後には社会奉仕があり、新横浜駅付近の交差点で旗を持って立っていたというエピソード...

USB DAC amplifier/dongle/adapter for smartphones

Apple Music has started distributing lossless and high-resolution music, and Amazon Music HD has responded by lowering the price of its high-resolution service. Many of you may already be enjoying these services on your smartphone. However, even though the music is being distributed in high quality lossless/high resolution, there are probably many people who say, "I'm only using Bluetooth earphones, which lose information during transmission," or I'd like to use wired earphones, but my phone doesn't have an earphone output in the first place. As a solution, you can buy a new smartphone or use a dedicated portable audio player DAP that can also use music distribution services. That is one way to solve this problem, but it's not easy to change your phone or carry around a big, expensive player. Another solution is the USB DAC amplifier/dongle/adapter, a stick that connects to your phone. It's smaller and easier to carry than a portable player, and it allows ...

Windows 11 has been announced

However, there is a view that the only new thing is the name, which is basically just an extension of traditional Windows. A reasonable Windows life cycle is 5 years Six years have passed since 2015, when the first Windows 10 was RTM. Six years is longer than the five years from Windows XP released in 2001 to Windows Vista released in 2006.  Vista was a very ambitious and beautiful Windows, and I personally liked it the most. The downside was that it required too many resources for the time, so there was a big gap between "usable" and "comfortable", and instability was noticeable in poor hardware configurations. right. Windows 7 was released in 2009 to eliminate the resource consumption and make it a diet and simplification. And that Windows 7 continues to be used by corporate users for extended support even after the release of Windows 8 and after 2015, when mainstream support ended, and it is still fresh in my memory that support ended at the beginning of 2020. ...


  マスタリングエンジニアが独自のギアを設計し、珍しい社内デバイスやアナログギアを使用しながら、特定のプロジェクトを最小限の音で可能な限り良い音に調整する方法を考えるときは、常にゼロから始めるという印象があります。   それらの多くは本を書いています。いくつかのスキルを与えるためのオンラインコースが作成されました。   以前はレコーディングスタジオの方がはるかに人気がありましたが、レコーディングとミキシングの印象は難しく複雑で、多くのカジュアルリスナーの手の届かないところにあるようです。   この時点で、自動マスタリングサービスが登場していますが、多くのコンテンツ作成者は自分でオーディオを「マスタリング」することも選択します。  オーディオファンがマスタリングエンジニアが行うことを練習することは可能ですか?スタジオでの作業経験の有無にかかわらず、人は本に従って優れたスタジオ環境をセットアップできますか? Adam Audioなど、および独自のストリーミングコンテンツをマスターするためのマスタリングソフトウェア、プラグイン、スタジオモニターヘッドフォンなどのテクノロジー? マスタリングエンジニアとして専門的に働いていなくても、基本的にマスタリングエンジニアである人々は、物事を最高かつ最も深いレベルで考えるオーディオファンではありませんか?   この場合、AIとアマチュアは簡単に職業を置き換えることができるため、マスタリングエンジニアはすぐに不要になります。   多くの試行錯誤を繰り返しながら、デジタルプラグインがアナログギアでのみ可能だったものを再現できることは議論の余地があります。   マスタリングエンジニアを作るには、オーディオファン以上のものが必要なようです。マスタリングには一種の客観的なスタンスが必要です。それがあなた自身のコンテンツである場合、それを最高のものにするのは難しいかもしれません。プロのマスタリングは、幅広い種類の音楽を理解し、感情的な体験を向上させる能力があり、感情を損なう場合は「音質」だけに焦点を当てない場合に最適です。その人は楽器の演奏者としての経験があり、電気工学などを学んでいる必要があります。単なる受動的な聴取者ではありま...

Studio monitor headphones compared: MDR-CD900ST and MDR-M1ST vs HPH-MT8 vs ATH-M40x

  Should buy your favorite headphones. Some people like audio-technica and others like Yamaha. Speaking of monitor headphones, Sony's MDR-CD900ST is famous, but 30 years ago when it began to change from cassette tapes to CDs, it has become an obsolete model. I would like to explain it in an easy-to-understand manner for those who are worried about purchasing monitor headphones, mainly the equipment they purchased. SONY MDR-M1ST   It may be a Sony believer, but it is a gem that I would like to recommend even without it. The main sound is " low to mid range ", but unlike the label MDR-900ST, it is not a squishy sound but a rounded and smooth sound, and the person playing it is unilaterally inconspicuous (emphasized)  Good sound. I think it is anyway. YAMAHA HPH-MT8   I went to the headphone exhibition store to ask, the HPH-MT8, which was also a recommended model. As for the sound, it is a sound that mainly consists of " mid to high range ", and since it was ...